Elective Courses
The following are electives that may be offered during the school year. Course offerings will be finalized according to enrollment and teacher availability.
6th Grade Electives
Beginning Drama: Curriculum will focus on ensemble (group acting), improvisation, theatre history, the basics of comedy and tragedy and audition techniques.
Beginning Strings: This class is offered for all students with no previous experience. Students will learn to read and play music and will perform in school assemblies/concerts. Students may select to play violin, viola, cello, or bass. No audition is required.
Beginning Winds: This class is offered for all students with no previous experience. Students will learn to read and play music and will perform in school assemblies/concerts. Instruments students may select from include brass (trumpet, trombone, French horn, baritone, tuba), woodwinds (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, and saxophone) and percussion instruments (drums and mallet instruments). No audition is required.
Concert Band: This intermediate ensemble performs at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. This is a specialty group that includes performers on woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. If you already play an instrument, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
String Orchestra: This is an advanced ensemble of string instruments that performs at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. If you already play an instrument, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
Symphonic Band: This is an advanced ensemble of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments that perform at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. If you already play an instrument, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
Choir: Calling all singers! Students will learn skills and techniques to develop their singing voice in a group setting, as they prepare for school performances alongside our other choral groups. They will also work on reading music and movement, as choreography is often paired with their songs!
Wheel: The exploratory wheel is intended to expose the student to a variety of elective experiences. The wheel consists of four 10-week courses. The wheel could include any of the following: computers, Spanish, Japanese culture, character counts, culinary arts, art, music, or drama.
Yearbook*: In this course, students work as a team to create the JMMS yearbook from the ground up! Students will take lots of photos, design pages, and advertise. As students build the yearbook, they will also develop their leadership and collaboration skills.
*Must have good citizenship and be in good academic standing. Space in these classes will be given to 7th & 8th graders first and the remaining spaces will be filled with qualifying 6th grade students (determined by data review and/or lottery).
7th Grade Electives
Beginning Art: Students will learn elements of art, understand principles of design, develop art appreciation and explore art history. In addition, students will learn to use technique while applying artistic vocabulary to create projects using the art elements and design principles.
Advanced Art: This is a yearlong course focused on art production using various mediums such as sketching, drawing, painting, and ceramics. Teacher approval is required.
Associated Student Body (ASB):
ASB is a student leadership and government class that organizes, implements, and facilitates activities at school including organizing school parties, lunch activities, spirit weeks, making school-wide decisions, handling various funds, and running the Student Store. ASB members are excellent students, role models, and leaders. If you are interested in this class, there is an additional form available in the Counseling Office that needs to be submitted.
ASB Media: Are you a creative person or want to learn to be more creative? This class is an extension of ASB creating all the media for school videos, news, and advertising to build community with your creativity!
Changemakers: How can we make the world a better place to live? Students have the freedom to brainstorm ideas and be as creative as they want to be, to develop initiatives, and then to work with administrators to approve those ideas, and take the lead in putting those ideas into action.
Culinary Arts:
The semester class will cover basic food preparation techniques, food culture, and history from around the world. Recipes to be prepared will be selected from the following cultures: French, Armenian, Japanese, Mexican, German, Italian, and many more. We will also explore jobs in catering and hospitality.
Intermediate: Curriculum will focus on ensemble, or group acting, improvisation, theatre history, the basics of comedy and tragedy, and audition techniques. Each semester ends with a show! This class is perfect for students with after school commitments or are just starting out as performers.
Tech: Have all the fun of being in drama without being on stage! As a tech student, you’ll be behind the scenes of the big show: setting the stage, building the props, painting the set, programming the lights, picking sound effects, designing the posters and a million other jobs all using state of the art equipment! Teacher approval is required. Please email Mr. James at StephenJames@burbankusd.org
Instrumental Music:
Beginning Winds: This class is offered to all students with no previous experience. Students will learn to read and play music. Instruments students may select from include: brass (trumpet, trombone, French horn, baritone, tuba), woodwinds (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone) and percussion instruments (drums and mallet instruments). No audition is required.
Beginning Strings: This class is offered to all students with no previous experience. Students will learn to read and play music. Students may select to play violin, viola, cello, or bass. No audition is required.
Concert Band: This intermediate ensemble performs at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. This is a specialty group that includes performers on woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. If you already play an instrument, but were not previously in band, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
String Orchestra: This is an advanced ensemble of string instruments that performs at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. If you already play an instrument, but were not previously in band, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
Symphonic Band: This is an advanced ensemble of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments that perform at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. If you already play an instrument, but were not previously in band, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
American Sign Language: This semester class teaches students how to have basic conversations in American Sign Language and about Deaf culture/community.
Beginning Spanish: In this semester class, students learn to speak, write, read, and listen to in Spanish. Students learn these skills while also connecting their learning to Latinx pop culture, history, food, music, roots, and more.
Technology/Digital Exploration:
Coding: Learn how to think and speak like a computer! In this class, you will create basic websites using HTML & CSS, as well as animations and games using JavaScript.
Computer Applications: In this fun course, you'll learn all about computers and technology, including how to use these applications: Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Outlook.
Digital Media: Learn how movies are made and make your own! In this course, you'll learn how to create stories using audio, video, and images. You'll also learn about design and photography. This course partners with Nickelodeon to provide field trips and opportunities for students to learn from real professionals in the industry.
Yearbook: In this course, students work as a team to create the JMMS yearbook from the ground up! Students will take lots of photos, design pages, and advertise. As students build the yearbook, they will also develop their leadership and collaboration skills.
Exploring Engineering: Explore the engineering design process as you code with the Micro:Bit microprocessing board, build 3D designs with SketchUp and learn more about the various fields in the world of engineering.
Vocal Music:
Choirs will work on getting ready for competition! This involves wearing costumes, along with occasional mandatory after-school rehearsals and shows. To perform and compete, students must meet eligibility requirements. If you are new to choir, please email Mrs. Lee at LydiaLee@burbankusd.org.
8th Grade Electives
- Beginning Art: Students will learn elements of art, understand principles of design, develop art appreciation and explore art history. In addition, students will learn to use technique while applying artistic vocabulary to create projects using the art elements and design principles.
- Advanced Art: This is a yearlong course focused on art production using various mediums such as sketching, drawing, painting, and ceramics. Teacher approval is required.
Associated Student Body (ASB):
ASB is a student leadership and government class that organizes, implements, and facilitates activities at school including organizing school parties, lunch activities, spirit weeks, making school-wide decisions, handling various funds, and running the Student Store. ASB members are excellent students, role models, and leaders. If you are interested in this class, there is an additional form available in the Counseling Office that needs to be submitted.
ASB Media: Are you a creative person or want to learn to be more creative? This class is an extension of ASB creating all the media for school videos, news, and advertising to build community with your creativity!
Changemakers: How can we make the world a better place to live? Students have the freedom to brainstorm ideas and be as creative as they want to be, to develop initiatives, and then to work with administrators to approve those ideas, and take the lead in putting those ideas into action.
Culinary Arts:
- Culinary Arts: The semester class will cover basic food preparation techniques, food culture, and history from around the world. Recipes to be prepared will be selected from the following cultures: French, Armenian, Japanese, Mexican, German, Italian, and many more. We will also explore jobs in catering and hospitality.
- Advanced Culinary Arts: Advanced Culinary Arts is a yearlong class available for students that successfully passed the semester class. The focus will be on catering and building more in- depth advanced chef skills. Teacher approval is required. Please email Ms. Avery at LeoneAvery@burbankusd.org
- Intermediate: Curriculum will focus on ensemble, or group acting, improvisation, theatre history, the basics of comedy and tragedy, and audition techniques. Each semester ends with a show! This class is perfect for students with after school commitments or are just starting out as performers.
- Play Production: In this class, you will be the star of the show! You’ll work with your classmates to select a play, create the characters, and of course, acting in the big show for the school, your family, and your friends!
- Tech: Have all the fun of being in drama without being on stage! As a tech student, you’ll be behind the scenes of the big show: setting the stage, building the props, painting the set, programming the lights, picking sound effects, designing the posters and a million other jobs all using state of the art equipment! Teacher approval is required. Please email Mr. James at StephenJames@burbankusd.org
Instrumental Music:
- Beginning Winds: This class is offered to all students with no previous experience. Students will learn to read and play music. Instruments students may select from include: brass (trumpet, trombone, French horn, baritone, tuba), woodwinds (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone) and percussion instruments (drums and mallet instruments). No audition is required.
- Beginning Strings: This class is offered to all students with no previous experience. Students will learn to read and play music. Students may select to play violin, viola, cello, or bass. No audition is required.
- Concert Band: This intermediate ensemble performs at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. This is a specialty group that includes performers on woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. If you already play an instrument, but were not previously in band, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
- String Orchestra: This is an advanced ensemble of string instruments that performs at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. If you already play an instrument, but were not previously in band, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
- Symphonic Band: This is an advanced ensemble of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments that perform at school assemblies/concerts, adjudicated festivals, and other performances off site. If you already play an instrument, but were not previously in band, please complete the additional part of the google form to indicate what instrument you play and your years of experience.
- American Sign Language: This semester class teaches students how to have basic conversations in American Sign Language and about Deaf culture/community.
- Beginning Spanish: In this semester class, students learn to speak, write, read, and listen to in Spanish. Students learn these skills while also connecting their learning to Latinx pop culture, history, food, music, roots, and more.
- Spanish 1: This is a yearlong, high school-level class for non-native Spanish speakers. Students learn to effectively speak, write, read, and listen at length in Spanish. Students learn all these skills while also connecting their learning to Latinx pop culture, history, food, music, roots, and more. Students who pass Spanish 1 with a C or better will move onto Spanish 2 in high school. If you are interested in taking this class during zero period, there is an additional form available in the Counseling Office that needs to be submitted. If more students apply for the zero period class than there are seats available, then there will be a lottery held. Make sure to get your application in before the lottery.
Teacher/Office Assistant:
Students help teachers or members of the office with daily tasks. The elective course will only be available if we are in school, on campus. Grades and discipline will be checked for your 7th grade year and every quarter during 8th grade year to ensure you are eligible. If you are interested in being a TA, there is an additional form available in the Counseling Office that needs to be submitted.
Technology/Digital Exploration:
- Coding: Learn how to think and speak like a computer! In this class, you will create basic websites using HTML & CSS, as well as animations and games using JavaScript.
- Computer Applications: In this fun course, you'll learn all about computers and technology, including how to use these applications: Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Outlook.
- Digital Media: Learn how movies are made and make your own! In this course, you'll learn how to create stories using audio, video, and images. You'll also learn about design and photography. This course partners with Nickelodeon to provide field trips and opportunities for students to learn from realprofessionals in the industry.
- Yearbook: In this course, students work as a team to create the JMMS yearbook from the ground up! Students will take lots of photos, design pages, and advertise. As students build the yearbook, they will also develop their leadership and collaboration skills.
- Exploring Engineering: Explore the engineering design process as you code with the Micro:Bit microprocessing board, build 3D designs with SketchUp and learn more about the various fields in the world of engineering.
Vocal Music:
8th grade choirs focus on preparing for competitions, both in the fall and in the spring. We have mandatory after-school rehearsals and shows, and we aim to perform at places like Magic Mountain and Disneyland. Students must meet eligibility requirements in order to perform and compete. If you are new to choir, please email Mrs. Lee at LydiaLee@burbankusd.org.